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An Audience Centred Approach to Business Process Reengineering.

Abeysinghe, G.A., Henderson, P., Phalp, K. T. and Walters, R.J., 1998. An Audience Centred Approach to Business Process Reengineering. In: Gyorkos, J., Krisper, M. and Mayr, H. C., eds. ReTIS '97 5th International Conference on Re-Technologies for Information Systems : CASSAM--computer aided software support and maintenance. Vienna, Austria: Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.

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This paper describes a method for process modelling which is designed to provide guidance to the business process modeller. The method has evolved from our experience of attempting to apply software process modelling approaches to business processes. A major influence on the method has been our observations that a pragmatic approach to notation selection is required in order to maintain a meaningful dialogue with end-users. Business process modelling methods typically fall into two camps. General methods attempt to describe the managerial activities which surround the modelling itself (Coulson-Thomas, 94; GISIP, 95). Specific methods, on the other hand, tend to concentrate on the details of a particular notational approach. However, as with programming languages or design methods, no single notational approach is best suited to all problems. Ideally, the process modeller should be able to incorporate the appropriate notational approach into some coherent generic modelling method.This paper addresses the needs of the modeller at the detailed level without prescribing a specific notation. This is achieved by describing categories of modelling activities which the modeller should undertake within process modelling, and suggesting how notations may be used within these categories. Our method is generally applicable, and is illustrated here by models of processes within the Construction industry.

Item Type:Book Section
Series Name:OCG Schriftenreihe Lecture Notes 107
Additional Information:Paper which introduces Phalp's ideas of audience-facing models as part of a family of models, with mappings among the models.
Uncontrolled Keywords:process model, business process, audience, re-engineering, requirements
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:10595
Deposited By: Dr Keith Phalp
Deposited On:09 Aug 2009 07:07
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:23


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