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Creating the cult of a saint: Communication strategies in 10th century England.

Watson, T., 2008. Creating the cult of a saint: Communication strategies in 10th century England. Public Relations Review, 34 (1), 19-24.

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DOI: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2007.08.023


In late 10th century England, a little-known and long-dead bishop named Swithun was canonised and became one of the most-widely culted saints in the country. Behind the creation of the cult of Saint Swithun were communication and political strategies with aspects of brand creation and extension, fund-raising, message creation and delivery, and stakeholder engagement using tactics such as word-of-mouth, the creation of special events and music, and use of specially commissioned publications. Using the prism of modern public relations practice and theory, the creation and maintenance of this important saintly cult is reviewed.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Communication strategy, political communication, public relations, religious communication
Group:Faculty of Media & Communication
ID Code:11293
Deposited By: Prof Tom Watson LEFT
Deposited On:11 Sep 2009 08:55
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:25


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