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Job satisfaction and self-employment: autonomy or personality?

Lange, T., 2009. Job satisfaction and self-employment: autonomy or personality? Small Business Economics, 38 (2), 165-177.

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DOI: 10.1007/s11187-009-9249-8


Most studies in the economics discourse argue that the impact of self-employment on job satisfaction is mediated by greater procedural freedom and autonomy. Values and personality traits are considered less likely to explain the utility difference between self-employed and salaried workers. Psychology scholars suggest that entrepreneurial satisfaction also depends, at least in part, on specific values and personality traits. Utilising a large dataset derived from the 2006 European Social Survey, this study performs a complementary analysis by taking personality traits, personal values and indicators for workers’ autonomy explicitly into account. The empirical findings add further strength to economists’ argument that, net of values and personality traits, autonomy and independence are the mechanisms by which self-employment leads to higher levels of job satisfaction. These results hold true for both male and female sub-samples even when a multitude of sociodemographic characteristics, personal values and personality traits are controlled for.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Job satisfaction; Self-employment; Personality traits; Autonomy; European social survey
Group:Bournemouth University Business School
ID Code:12599
Deposited By: Mr James Tudor LEFT
Deposited On:21 Dec 2009 11:27
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:27


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