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Using practice development methodology to develop children’s centre teams: Ideas for the future.

Hemingway, A., 2009. Using practice development methodology to develop children’s centre teams: Ideas for the future. Perspectives in Public health, 129 (5), 234-238.

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DOI: 10.1177/1757913909343883


The Children’s Centre Programme is a recent development in the UK and brings together multi-agency teams to work with disadvantaged families. Practice development methods enable teams to work together in new ways. Although the term practice development remains relatively poorly defined, its key properties suggest that it embraces engagement, empowerment, evaluation and evolution. This paper introduces the Children’s Centre Programme and practice development methods and aims to discuss the relevance of using this method to develop teams in children’s centres through considering the findings from an evaluation of a two-year project to develop inter-agency public health teams. The evaluation showed that practice development methods can enable successful team development and showed that through effective facilitation, teams can change their practice to focus on areas of local need. The team came up with their own process to develop a strategy for their locality.

Item Type:Article
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:12666
Deposited By: Dr Ann Hemingway
Deposited On:15 Jan 2010 09:34
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:27


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