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An Empirical Investigation of the Utility of ‘pre-CIM’ models.

Phalp, K. T. and Jeary, S., 2010. An Empirical Investigation of the Utility of ‘pre-CIM’ models. In: Software Quality XVIII, 18th International Software Quality Management Conference, SQM 2010, 29-31 March 2010, London. (Unpublished)

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that, by allowing a variety of stakeholders to take part in modelling, projects will be both more efficient than traditional approaches and will produce software that meets the needs of those stakeholders. This will be facilitated by transforming initial (CIM), models to design (PIM) and implementation (PSM). However, it follows that to gain fully from this strategy the initial models, which are the major driver for communication and validation of requirements and business needs, must be appropriate to this usage. The VIDE project was an EC funded project which produced a successful model driven development tool-set, incorporating a variety of modelling capabilities, at each stage of the MDA process. Aside from support for model transformations, one of the motivations for VIDE was to provide accessible models for those stakeholders representing the client (or business) who may not share the modelling perspective and experience of software engineers. This paper reports upon an empirical study which attempts to assess whether our proposed ‘pre-CIM’ models provide a more palatable starting point for users. In brief, our results suggest that the pre-CIM notation provides an accessible starting point for modelling, and enhance the modeller’s experience whilst also suggesting that the use of the notation may have a positive impact on the quality of subsequent models.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Additional Information:This is the accepted conference version. Final versions are published as book chapters as a BCS publication.
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:13244
Deposited By: Dr Keith Phalp
Deposited On:11 Mar 2010 19:08
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:29


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