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The Learning Effectiveness of Cross-Discipline Collaboration within Media Production BA Projects.

Parsons, M., 2009. The Learning Effectiveness of Cross-Discipline Collaboration within Media Production BA Projects. In: Bruck, P. A., ed. Multimedia and E-Content Trends: Implications for academia. Vieweg+Teubner, 179-189.

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DOI: 10.1007/978-3-8348-9313-0_15


This paper considers the learning potential released by teaching to groups across different disciplines within media production. A single six week unit was delivered to eighteen groups of students, each group comprising a mix from BA Television Production, BA Interactive Media Production and BA Scriptwriting for Film and Television, all at level C. Each group of approximately nine students was required to create a DVD programme with associated website on the topic of ‘crime prevention’. The paper considers the logistics of organising and delivering the programme and the ways in which staff and students related to the cross-discipline nature of the unit. It also considers the approaches taken to assess the students and their project work. The investigation involved a mixture of questionnaires and interviews conducted after completion of the unit.

Item Type:Book Section
Series Name:Part
Additional Information:EADIM Academic Network Conference Graz 23-24 November 2007
Group:Faculty of Media & Communication
ID Code:14248
Deposited By: Mr Mik Parsons
Deposited On:04 May 2010 18:20
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:31


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