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"BURO Case Study" In "Making the Repository Count: lessons from successful implementation".

Holland, M., Denning, T. and Crowley, E. J., 2011. "BURO Case Study" In "Making the Repository Count: lessons from successful implementation". In: Dale, P., Beard, J. and Holland, M., eds. University Libraries and Digital Learning Environments. Ashgate.

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Matt Holland and Tim Denning continue the research theme and consider the importance of IRs in support of research, focussing on three areas; how the IR fits with the university organisation; how to promote the use of the IR to end users and contributors; and how to secure long term benefits for the broadest range of stakeholders. They incorporate two case studies into the discussion, and include a description of the implementation of Bournemouth University Research Online (BURO). With contributions from Emma Crowley, BURO Manager.

Item Type:Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords:institutional repository, research repository, Research Excellence Framework, REF, Research Management,
Group:Academic Services
ID Code:15903
Deposited By: Ms Emma Crowley
Deposited On:09 Aug 2010 17:31
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:34


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