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Monitoring wolf populations using howling points combined with sign survey transects.

Llaneza, L., Ordiz, A., Palacios, V. and Uzal Fernandez, A., 2005. Monitoring wolf populations using howling points combined with sign survey transects. Wildlife Biology in Practice, 1 (2), 108-117.

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DOI: 10.2461/wbp.2005.1.13


Wolves respond to simulated howling, especially during the mating and breeding seasons. Simulated howling points are, therefore, commonly used by many wolf researchers around the world to estimate pack numbers in a given area. A large amount of information is available on various pack breeding areas in Asturias, the only region in north-western Spain where the Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus, Cabrera 1907) is not classed as a game species. Wolf research began there in the early 1980s. We present the results of the latest study on population status, conducted between July and November, 2001. Using sampling transects to detect wolf scat and scratch marks and designated howling and observation points, twenty one (21) wolf packs were definitely located, with two others considered “likely”. Nineteen (19) packs were detected using howling points (n=314). The results of this study show that simulated howling points and sampling transects are reliable and inexpensive way of detecting wolf packs.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Iberian wolf, demography, wolf census, NW Spain.
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:16369
Deposited By: Dr. Antonio Uzal Fernandez
Deposited On:04 Oct 2010 15:47
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:35


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