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Student feedback on feedback.

Hanson, J., 2009. Student feedback on feedback. In: 2nd Institutional Research Conference: Building a Community for Institutional Research in the UK and Ireland, 8-9 July 2009, Sheffield, England. (Unpublished)

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Bournemouth University introduced a standard three week turnaround time for feedback on assessed coursework to improve the student experience. After four years of monitoring the policy, a study was undertaken to investigate its impact on the student experience. Drawing on NSS analysis and literature to develop questions, focus groups were held with students to explore their views on the quality of feedback provided, its timeliness and usefulness. Initial analysis indicates that students demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the topic, valuing timely feedback, but prepared to tolerate delays in return for lengthier feedback tailored to their individual progress. The findings from this study, aimed initially at increasing understanding of the student experience, also hold implications for institutional policy and practice related to feedback. Participants at the workshop were invited to discuss the findings with reference to the notion of “students as customers” and the market orientation of HE.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Assessment; feedback; NSS; students
Group:Academic Services
ID Code:17667
Deposited By: Dr Janet Hanson LEFT
Deposited On:26 Apr 2011 13:37
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:38


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