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Building educational confidence and affinity through Online Induction Activities.

Hopkins, D., Wincott, M. and Hutchings, L., 2011. Building educational confidence and affinity through Online Induction Activities. In: Bournemouth University Education Enhancement Conference 2011, 4 May 2011, Bournemouth University, Poole, England.

Full text available as:

[thumbnail of BU-EEC2011-Induction-A1_v6a.pdf]
BU-EEC2011-Induction-A1_v6a.pdf - Published Version



We aim to demonstrate the support and development steps taken throughout a week-long online induction. From application, through to enrolment and becoming an online student, often returning to education after many years, our students are likely to experience many emotions over this induction period. We recognise the different key foundation areas required to strengthen personal confidence and determination as an individual remote student. The intention is to help students overcome their initial personal apprehension by building intrinsic trust in the capabilities of BU from all standpoints including technical, educational and pastoral. By the end of the induction week, students have the opportunity to formulate a clear picture of the environment in which they will be learning, establish an initial impression of degree level study, recognise the levels of support available to them and begin to identify their own personal resolve and how to make this work for them whilst studying from a remote location.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Poster)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Induction, myBU, BIBM,eLearning
Group:Bournemouth University Business School
ID Code:17715
Deposited By: Mr David Hopkins
Deposited On:04 May 2011 15:03
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:38


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