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Reasons for non- use of condoms and self-efficacy among female sex workers: A qualitative study in Nepal.

Ghimire, L., Smith, W.C.S., van Teijlingen, E., Dahal, R. and Luitel, N., 2011. Reasons for non- use of condoms and self-efficacy among female sex workers: A qualitative study in Nepal. BMC Women's Health, 14 (12).

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DOI: 10.1186/1472-6874-11-42


Background Heterosexual contact is the most common mode of transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in Nepal and it is largely linked to sex work. We assessed the non-use of condoms in sex work with intimate sex partners by female sex workers (FSWs) and the associated self-efficacy to inform the planning of STI/HIV prevention programmes in the general population. Methods This paper is based on a qualitative study of Female Sex Workers (FSWs) in Nepal. In-depth interviews and extended field observation were conducted with 15 FSWs in order to explore issues of safe sex and risk management in relation to their work place, health and individual behaviours. Results The main risk factor identified for the non-use of condoms with intimate partners and regular clients was low self efficacy. Non-use of condoms with husband and boyfriends placed them at risk of STIs including HIV. In addition to intimidation and violence from the police, clients and intimate partners, clients’ resistance and lack of negotiation capacity were identified as barriers in using condoms by the FSWs. Conclusion This study sheds light on the live and work of FSWs in Nepal. This information is relevant for both the Government of Nepal and Non Governmental Organisations (NGO) to help improve the position of FSWs in the community, their general well-being and to reduce their risks at work.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Asia; prostitution; exploitation; sex work; Nepal; women; risk; HIV
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:18581
Deposited By: Prof Edwin van Teijlingen
Deposited On:06 Oct 2011 09:23
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:40


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