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Working with public libraries to enhance access to quality-assured health information for the lay public: Healthinfo4u: British Library Co-operation and Partnership Programme no.6: final report.

Beard, J., De Vekey, J. and Ball, D., 2003. Working with public libraries to enhance access to quality-assured health information for the lay public: Healthinfo4u: British Library Co-operation and Partnership Programme no.6: final report. Project Report. Poole, UK: Bournemouth University.

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This study provides the results of a 22-month project to research whether web technology can be used to provide the lay public with quality-assured, evidence-based journal literature previously only available to health care professionals. The study documents the development of the demonstrator product and the results of its trial and evaluation, using action research methodologies, in selected public libraries and health information points in the UK. The literature review provides the context for the development of the provision of health information for the lay public and considers the issues surrounding the provision of e-journals. The study also provides an assessment of the potential requirements for a viable future web-based resource to provide consumers with the full text of quality-assured health information selected from journals used by health care professionals.

Item Type:Monograph (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Health information Public libraries
Group:Academic Services
ID Code:197
Deposited By: Mr David Ball LEFT
Deposited On:23 Jul 2007
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:05


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