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Working together, driven apart: Reflecting on a joint endeavour to address sustainable development within a university.

Shiel, C. and Williams, A. , 2014. Working together, driven apart: Reflecting on a joint endeavour to address sustainable development within a university. In: 2nd World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities (WSSD-U-2014), 3--5 September 2014, Manchester.

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Shiel Williams post reviewfinal.pdf - Accepted Version



A holistic and transformational approach to Sustainable Development within a university requires systemic change and embraces new ways of working. Champions must challenge silo mentalities, develop new processes to encourage synergies across university functions, and strive to re-align systems and goals towards the common endeavour of sustainability. But how easy is this to achieve? It is well documented that working across disciplines presents challenges but forging a synergistic relationship between the environmental management function of Estates and an academic champion for ESD is not only logical but might be an easier place to explore how two roles can work together to achieve change. This paper provides a reflective account of such an alliance, outlining a joint endeavour to address sustainable development. An analysis is provided of those factors which impede such working and the different role tensions that make working together challenging. It will also consider the benefits of collaboration, as the perspectives from the operational and academic domains provide a broader context for understandings, access to different forums, an ability to tackle conflicting agendas together and an opportunity to genuinely effect change, providing mutual support through shared perseverance. The paper will conclude by questioning the extent to which progress made will endure, if the benefits of this synergy are not acknowledged by university leadership.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:21178
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:06 May 2014 15:27
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:48


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