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What kinds of knowledge are relevant for caring practices?

Hemingway, A., Norton, E. A., Hutchinson, J. and Fagerberg, I., 2014. What kinds of knowledge are relevant for caring practices? In: Sigma Theta Tau International, 16--18 June 2014, Gothenberg, Sweden.

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(Workshop) Background Members of the European Academy of Caring Science (EACS, ) would like to engage the audience in a discussion that centres on the following question: What kinds of knowledge are relevant for caring practices? We hope that greater clarity and direction about Caring Science may be facilitated by offering some ideas that are emerging from the philosophy, themes and projects of EACS. A key underpinning concept for the work of the Academy is lifeworld led care. The lifeworld refers to the meanings of everyday life, what it is like to exist as a human being. The concept of the lifeworld has its foundation in Husserl´s lifeworld theory and theory of intentionality; Merleau Ponty´s later philosophy concerning how everything is intertwined existence as well as his contribution to lifeworld theory as the lived body and Heidegger´s contribution "being-in-the-world". Drawing on this European heritage we are interested in how lived experience can offer direct insights for caring science, and education for caring science. In relation to lifeworld led education we feel it is important to explore the creative tension between the lifeworld of the patient and the lifeworld of the student and carer. In other words, the intertwining of learning and caring. Procedure Focus for the discussion will be initially aided by three short papers which address the following concerns: • the need for alternative ways to conceptualise caring-relevant knowledge, • thoughts about an educational curriculum that is adequate for Caring Science, and • suggestions that begin to name phenomena and practices that are centrally relevant to Caring Science The workshop participants will be invited to undertake small group round table discussions with each group including a member of the Academy and will aim to conclude with attempting to identify key areas emerging from the discussion relating to the three areas of focus offered above.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:21293
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:24 Jun 2014 10:20
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:49


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