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Testing the feasibility and acceptability of using the Nintendo Wii in the home to increase activity levels, vitality and well-being in people with multiple sclerosis (Mii-vitaliSe): protocol for a pilot randomised controlled study.

Thomas, S., Fazakarley, L., Thomas, P., Brenton, S., Collyer, S., Perring, S., Scott, R., Galvin, K.T. and Hillier, C., 2014. Testing the feasibility and acceptability of using the Nintendo Wii in the home to increase activity levels, vitality and well-being in people with multiple sclerosis (Mii-vitaliSe): protocol for a pilot randomised controlled study. BMJ Open, 4 (5), e005172 - .

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DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005172


The benefits of physical activity for people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) have been recognised. However, exercise regimens can be difficult to maintain over the longer term and pwMS may face unique barriers to physical activity engagement. Pilot research suggests the Nintendo Wii can be used safely at home by pwMS with minimal mobility/balance issues and may confer benefits. We have developed a home-based physiotherapist supported Wii intervention ('Mii-vitaliSe') for pwMS that uses commercial software. This is a pilot study to explore the feasibility of conducting a full scale clinical and cost-effectiveness trial of Mii-vitaliSe.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Rehabilitation Medicine
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:21503
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:21 Oct 2014 08:59
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:49


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