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The distribution of Bibionidae (Diptera) in Scotland.

Skartveit, J., Whittington, A. E. and Bland, K. P., 2014. The distribution of Bibionidae (Diptera) in Scotland. Studia dipterologica, 20 (2), 335 - 364 .

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We review the material of the family Bibionidae from Scotland in the Natural History Museum, London and the National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh, as well as some material from other collections and published records from the SIRI (Scottish Insect Records Index). Eleven species of the genus Bibio Geoffroy, 1762 and four species in the genus Dilophus Meigen, 1803 have been collected in Scotland. We review the distribution and ecology of each species and present maps of records. Previous Scottish records of Bibio hortulanus (Linnaeus, 1758) and B. reticulatus Loew, 1846 are deemed to be most likely erroneous. Additionally, we have not found any specimens confirming the literature record of Bibio venosus (Meigen, 1804), but we believe this record is most likely correct since this species is distinctive and well defined with no substantial confusion about its identity. There is also a recent record of Dilophus humeralis Zetterstedt, 1850 which we have not been able to confirm. The following species have unambiguous records from Scotland: Bibio clavipes Meigen, 1818; B. ferruginatus (Linnaeus, 1758); B. johannis (Linnaeus, 1767); B. lanigerus Meigen, 1818; B. leucopterus (Meigen, 1804); B. longipes Loew, 1864; B. marci (Linnaeus, 1758); B. nigriventris Haliday, 1833; B. pomonae (Fabricius, 1775); B. varipes Meigen, 1830; Dilophus bispinosus Lundström, 1913; D. febrilis (Linnaeus, 1758); D. femoratus Meigen, 1804.

Item Type:Article
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:22558
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:01 Oct 2015 10:22
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:53


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