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Injury and Mortality in Young Nepalese Migrant Workers: A Call for Public Health Action.

Aryal, N., Regmi, P., van Teijlingen, E., Simkhada, P., Adhikary, P., Bhatta, Y. and Mann, S., 2016. Injury and Mortality in Young Nepalese Migrant Workers: A Call for Public Health Action. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 28 (8), 703-705.

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DOI: 10.1177/1010539516668628


Approximately 3.5 million Nepalese are working as migrant workers in the Gulf countries, Malaysia, and India. Every year there are more than 1000 deaths and many hundreds cases of injuries among Nepalese workers in these countries excluding India. A postmortem examination of migrant workers is not carried out in most of these countries, and those with work-related injuries are often sent back to home. Uninsured migrant workers also do not have easy access to health care services in host countries due to the high medical and hospital fees. Greater efforts are needed to protect the health and well-being, labor rights, and human rights of migrant workers from Nepal and other South- Asian nations. There is a need to enforce universal labor laws in these countries and to develop accurate records of mortality and morbidity and their causes.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:inequalities in health ; work place safety ; health care services ; global health ; population health
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:24736
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:19 Sep 2016 13:59
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:58


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