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An insight into the use & assessment of lower-limb running prostheses in sport with a disability: a mixed method approach.

Dyer, B. T.J., 2015. An insight into the use & assessment of lower-limb running prostheses in sport with a disability: a mixed method approach. Cogent Engineering, 3 (1), 1158488.

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DOI: 10.1080/23311916.2016.1158488


In able-bodied sport, controversy has occasionally been caused through the adoption or introduction of sports technology. However, scant attention has specifically been paid to sport with a disability with respect to such concerns. This article therefore investigates the use of lower limb running prostheses (LLRPs) in competition by below-knee amputees. This study uses a four-phase mixed method approach to investigate the nature, use and assessment of LLRPs. The first phase conducted a statistical analysis of the sports time series data to ascertain the progression of the sport when considering the impact of sports technology. The second phase performed a stakeholder assessment of the sport using the Delphi method and provided a proposed series of guidelines for lower limb prostheses technology inclusion. The third phase assessed the behaviour of LLRPs in a competitive environment. Ultimately, the three previous phases provided information that led to the fourth phase. This phase investigated the use of a dynamic drop jump technique as an assessment strategy for further development in the future. This information would prove of intrinsic value when developing sports policy in the future.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:amputee; design; prostheses;running; sports technology
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:24738
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:19 Sep 2016 14:39
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:58


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