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The spiritual journey of infertile couples: discussing the opportunity for spiritual care.

Romeiro, J., Caldeira, S., Brady, V., Hall, J. and Timmins, F., 2017. The spiritual journey of infertile couples: discussing the opportunity for spiritual care. Religions, 8 (4), 76.

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DOI: 10.3390/rel8040076


Infertility is a worldwide public health issue that exerts an in-depth impact on the 16 individual, couple, families and communities. This reproductive health condition, along with 17 fertility treatments, often forces couples to question and to find a new purpose and meaning in life, 18 and to begin a spiritual journey. Nursing and midwifery literature comprises the care of those 19 living with infertility, but often lacks a clear approach of the spiritual dimension, and diagnosis and 20 interventions may not be effectively addressed. In this paper, we present a discussion about 21 spirituality and the assessment of spiritual needs, such as hope, beliefs, meaning and satisfaction in 22 life. In addition, spiritual needs are defined, for both nurses and midwives, and spiritual 23 interventions are proposed in promoting couples’ resilience and spiritual well-being. Spirituality 24 should be considered from the beginning to the end of life. It is necessary to translate this into the 25 development and implementation of specific policies regarding a spiritual approach, and also 26 advanced education and training programs for nurses and midwives who care for infertile couples

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Spirituality ; infertility ; Spiritual care ; Nursing ; Midwifery
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:29001
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:21 Apr 2017 14:07
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:04


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