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The BASES expert statement in safeguarding in the sport sciences.

Kavanagh, E. J., Knowles, Z., Brady, A., Rhind, D., Gervis, M., Miles, A. and Davison, R., 2016. The BASES expert statement in safeguarding in the sport sciences. The Sport and Exercise Scientist (49), 20 - 21.

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Within the context of sport and exercise science, safeguarding concerns a professional obligation to protect all parties (for example the client, athlete and/or self) from maltreatment or harm (Mountjoy et al., 2016). Safeguarding should embrace relational (others), individual (self) and organisational (culture) considerations. The understanding of physical, emotional and social well-being and freedom from discrimination are the focus of safeguarding education. In this expert statement we provide information in three key areas: 1) a brief summary of the research themes and findings surrounding maltreatment in sport; 2) a discussion of safeguarding within the sport and exercise profession and finally; 3) recommendations for sport and exercise scientists on matters of safeguarding.

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:First published in The Sport and Exercise Scientist, Autumn 2016 Issue 49. Published by the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences -
Group:Bournemouth University Business School
ID Code:29233
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:24 May 2017 10:04
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:04


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