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Dr. Inventor, Promoting Scientific Creativity by Utilising Web-based Research Objects, FP7.

Dong, F., O'Donoghue, D., Ersotelos, N., Wu, S., Saggion, H., Ronzano, F., Corcho, O., Hurley, D., Abgaz, Y., Zhang, J. J., Chaudhry, E., Yang, X., Wei, H., Deng, Z., Mahdian, B. and Careil, J.M., 2017. Dr. Inventor, Promoting Scientific Creativity by Utilising Web-based Research Objects, FP7. Impact, 17 (2), 40-44.

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DOI: 10.21820/23987073.2017.2.40


Scientific creativity and innovation represent the beating heart of European growth at a time of rapid technological change. Dr Inventor is built on the vision that technologies have great potential to supplement human ingenuity in science by overcoming the limitations that people suffer in pursuing scientific discovery. It presents an original system that will provide inspiration for scientific creativity by utilising the rich presence of web-based research resources. Dr Inventor will act as a personal research assistant, utilising machine-empowered search and computation to bring researchers extended perspectives for scientific innovation by informing them of a broad spectrum of relevant research concepts and approaches, by assessing the novelty of research ideas, and by offering suggestions of new concepts and workflows with unexpected features for new scientific discovery. Dr Inventor is an attempt to understand the potential of technology in the scientific creative process within current technology limitations. It represents a sound balance between scientific insight into individual scientific creative processes and technical implementation using innovative technologies in information extraction, document summarization, semantics and visual analytics. The outcomes will be integrated into a web-based system that will allow evaluation in a selected research area under real-world settings with carefully designed metrics, benchmarks and baseline for creative performance, leading to tangible measurements on the performance of the technologies in enhancing human creativity and a blueprint for future technologies in computational creativity. Dr Inventor has huge implications for scientific innovation in Europe, as it has the potential to change the way in which scientific research is undertaken. The acceptance of the system by general research communities will open opportunities for many industrial sectors, leading to reinforced leadership of European industry.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:analogy ; blending ; computational creativity ; computer graphics ; creativity ; document summarization ; information extraction ; innovation ; semantics ; visual analytics
Group:Faculty of Media & Communication
ID Code:29852
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:10 Oct 2017 10:49
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:07


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