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Experiences of people living with mental illness on their adaptation process to illness: The voice of those living with a mental illness. Erfahrungen im Erleben und im Umgang mit der eigenen psychiatrischen Erkrankung: Die Stimme der Betroffenen!

Wolfensberger, P., 2017. Experiences of people living with mental illness on their adaptation process to illness: The voice of those living with a mental illness. Erfahrungen im Erleben und im Umgang mit der eigenen psychiatrischen Erkrankung: Die Stimme der Betroffenen! In: 14. Dreiländerkongress Pflege in der Psychiatrie, 05-06 October 2017, Bern, Switzerland, 236 - 238.

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First results of a qualitative inquiry exploring the experiences of people living with mental illness are presented. Even though the analysis is ongoing, the results show that the voices of those experiencing mental illness matter and various topics occur in the process of adaptation to illness.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Speech)
Uncontrolled Keywords:mental illness; experiencing mental illness; adaptation to illness; personal recovery; service users perspective
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:29923
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:21 Nov 2017 14:47
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:07


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