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A Service Based Architecture for Multidisciplinary IoT Experiments with Crowdsourced Resources.

Alexandrou, P., Angelopoulos, C.M., Evangelatos, O., Fernandes, J.A., Filios, G., Karagiannis, M., Loumis, N., Nikoletseas, S.E., Rankov, A., Raptis, T.P., Rolim, J.D.P. and Souroulagkas, A., 2016. A Service Based Architecture for Multidisciplinary IoT Experiments with Crowdsourced Resources. In: ADHOC-NOW 2016: International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless, 4-6 July 2016, Lille, France, 187 - 201.

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DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40509-4_13


Research on emerging networking paradigms, such as Mobile Crowdsensing Systems, requires new types of experiments to be conducted and an increasing spectrum of devices to be supported by experimenting facilities. In this work, we present a service based architecture for IoT testbeds which (a) exposes the operations of a testbed as services by following the Testbed as a Service (TBaaS) paradigm; (b) enables diverse facilities to be federated in a scalable and standardized way and (c) enables the seamless integration of crowdsourced resources (e.g. smartphones and wearables) and their abstraction as regular IoT resources. The architecture enables an experimenter to access a diverse set of resources and orchestrate experiments via a common interface by hiding the underlying heterogeneity and complexity. This way, the field of IoT experimentation with real resources is further promoted and broadened to also address researchers from other fields and disciplines

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Internet of Things; Testbeds; Architectures; Platforms; Crowd
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:29993
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:20 Nov 2017 13:35
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:08


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