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Kinematics and dynamics motion planning by polar piecewise interpolation and geometric considerations.

Dupac, M., 2018. Kinematics and dynamics motion planning by polar piecewise interpolation and geometric considerations. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 67 (June), 19-24.

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DOI: 10.1016/j.endm.2018.05.004


The importance of numerical methods in science and engineering [Chapra, S.C., and R.P. Canale, “Numerical Methods for Engineers,” McGraw-Hill, 6th Ed., 2010] was long recognised and considered a fundamental factor in improving productivity and reducing production costs. The ability to model flexible systems and describe their trajectories [Gasparetto A., Boscariol P., Lanzutti A., Vidoni R., Trajectory planning in Robotics, Mathematics in Computer Science 6 (2012), pp. 269–279] involves usually the study of nonlinear coupled partial differential equations. Since their exact solutions are not normally feasible in practice, computational methods [V. Kumar, M. Zefran, J.P. Ostrowski, Motion Planning and Control of Robots, Handbook of Industrial Robotics, 2nd Edition, J. Wiley and Sons (2007), pp. 295–315] can be considered.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Numerical methods; motion planning; kinematics; dynamics
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:30906
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:25 Jun 2018 13:05
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:11


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