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Finding ways to engage with a healthy tourism "offer": evaluating potential synergies between wellbeing, public health, and tourism at a local destination.

Wall, S., 2018. Finding ways to engage with a healthy tourism "offer": evaluating potential synergies between wellbeing, public health, and tourism at a local destination. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

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This study explores and explains how the concept of wellbeing can promote synergies between public health and tourism communities of practice at a local destination level. In this context, the concept of wellbeing provides an example of a boundary object which can promote knowledge sharing across boundaries between communities of practice. Eudaimonic and integrated wellbeing theories offer alternative activity pathways to that of mass tourism and the promotion of hedonic wellbeing and may encourage collaboration between local public health and tourism departments. This study focuses on a local authority in the south of England during the transfer of many public health functions to local government. Literature acknowledges an increasing concern about wellbeing within both public health and tourism planning agendas, which considers overall societal health rooted in the wellbeing of communities. Within this context, there is an opportunity to develop a community culture that supports health creation and presents a rebranding opportunity within the destination management approach. The literature does not currently offer a theory to explain how wellbeing may contribute to a strategic alliance between public health and tourism at the local destination level. A constructivist grounded theory approach was adopted, using methods of participant observation and interviews. Participant observation was conducted within the primary care trust, prior to the move of the public health agenda to the local authorities. Semi- structured interviews were conducted with public health and tourism team members working with the local authority. Observational and interview data was deconstructed using open coding then reconstructed into category themes and sub-themes during phases of axial and focused coding. The constant comparative approach, and theoretical sampling methods, were both used in the construction of the substantive theory. Findings indicated that the process of change, the role of wellbeing, the context of place and engagement strategies each contribute to the development of a strategic alliance between public health and tourism communities of practice. The process of change presents a condition which may reveal opportunities for interdepartmental collaborations. Wellbeing is identified as playing a potential role in health promotion through meanings and use underpinned by community wellbeing. Place offers a context where a healthy offer can be developed for locals and tourism through greater local involvement in the planning process. Strategies to engage public health and tourism communities of practice co-locate agendas through foci on health, lifestyles and rebranding. Previous research has not connected these concepts to building a local strategic alliance between public health and tourism. The emergent theory drawn from study findings revealed that if strategies to involve and connect residents, promote healthy lifestyles and wellbeing, and rebrand the destination are adopted, then participants from local public health and tourism communities of practice will discover ways to engage with a healthy tourism offer. Study findings also indicate that the consequences of engaging with a healthy tourism offer include knowledge transformation, organisational efficiency and innovation, the promotion of healthy lifestyles and community wellbeing, and an alternative destination branding opportunity.

Item Type:Thesis (Doctoral)
Additional Information:If you feel that this work infringes your copyright please contact the BURO Manager.
Uncontrolled Keywords:wellbeing; tourism; public health; destination; boundary objects; grounded theory
Group:Bournemouth University Business School
ID Code:31065
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:27 Jul 2018 08:33
Last Modified:09 Aug 2022 16:04


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