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An investigation into the relationship between paracycling athletes and their prosthetics technology: a proposed design framework.

Dyer, B. T.J., 2019. An investigation into the relationship between paracycling athletes and their prosthetics technology: a proposed design framework. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 15 (1), 166-172.

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DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2018.1549275


Objective: Product attachment has been stated as an emotional relationship an end-user may develop with a tangible product or artefact. The objective of this study is to investigate this relationship with athletes who possess limb absence and utilise assistive sports technology competitively. Method: Five elite paracyclists were surveyed using a modified 31 question product attachment survey. The survey comprised the ability to capture both closed-ended and open-ended data. The survey design itself was derived from three previously validated product relationship questionnaires. Results: Four elite athletes with limb absence did not provide any firm evidence or indication to support the concept of a non-physical relationship with their prosthetic device. However, some respondents had (or wished) to incorporate some form of aesthetic-based prosthetic personalisation or customisation, as long as this did not impact on the prostheses functional performance. Furthermore, a thematic analysis of the participant’s responses yielded a four-point assistive technology design philosophy framework. The emerging thematic areas were 1) The identification of the factors that influence performance in the athletes chosen sport; 2) To consider an ‘appearance follows performance’ approach; 3) To conduct sports specific trials of the prosthetic limb; and 4) To identify any need for prostheses decorative personalisation. Conclusions: The survey revealed some anecdotes of a sports technology to user relationship but this will require further exploration with different and larger sample populations. Use of the proposed four-point framework may help inform practitioners of what considerations could provide greater end-user satisfaction when designing and developing specialised prosthetic limbs for elite-level sport.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:product attachment; prostheses; sport; cycling; disability
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:31510
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:03 Dec 2018 13:45
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:13


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