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Perspectives on the Volunteering Legacy of the London 2012 Olympic Games: The Development of an Event Legacy Stakeholder Engagement Matrix.

Shipway, R., Lockstone-Binney, L., Holmes, K. and Smith, K., 2020. Perspectives on the Volunteering Legacy of the London 2012 Olympic Games: The Development of an Event Legacy Stakeholder Engagement Matrix. Event Management, 24 (5), 645-659.

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DOI: 10.3727/152599519X15506259856327


Using Holmes et al.’s (2015) sustainable event legacy timeline, this paper examines the extent to which the existing volunteering infrastructure supporting volunteer management in the host city were engaged before, during and after the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, to generate a legacy for volunteering. This infrastructure includes volunteering peak bodies, volunteer resource centres, national sport governing bodies, community organisations and local government. A case study of the London 2012 Games was employed involving extensive documentary evidence and interviews with senior level informants. The findings revealed limitations with official legacy planning and a failure to engage with the voluntary sector in the host city. The event legacy timeline is combined with four key themes to emerge from the data to conceptualise an event legacy stakeholder engagement matrix. This identifies recommendations to enable future host cities to optimise opportunities from Olympic Games volunteer programmes to generate wider community benefits.

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:This article was made available online on September 19, 2019 as a Fast Track article with title: "PERSPECTIVES ON THE VOLUNTEERING LEGACY OF THE LONDON 2012 OLYMPIC GAMES: THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN EVENT LEGACY STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT MATRIX".
Uncontrolled Keywords:London 2012 Olympics; Event Legacy; Volunteering; Voluntary Sector; Stakeholders
Group:Bournemouth University Business School
ID Code:32099
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:27 Mar 2019 10:07
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:15


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