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Response Time Distribution Analysis of Semantic and Response Interference in a Manual Response Stroop Task.

Hasshim, N., Downes, M., Bate, S. and Parris, B., 2019. Response Time Distribution Analysis of Semantic and Response Interference in a Manual Response Stroop Task. Experimental Psychology, 66 (3), 231 -238.

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DOI: 10.1027/1618-3169/a000445


Previous analyses of response time distributions have shown that the Stroop effect is observed in the mode (μ) and standard deviation (σ) of the normal part of the distribution, as well as its tail (τ). Specifically, interference related to semantic and response processes has been suggested to specifically affect the mode and tail, respectively. However, only one study in the literature has directly manipulated semantic interference, and none manipulating response interference. The present research aims to address this gap by manipulating both semantic and response interference in a manual response Stroop task, and examining how these components of Stroop interference affect the response time distribution. Ex-Gaussian analysis showed both semantic and response conflict to only affect τ. Analyzing the distribution by rank-ordered response times (Vincentizing) showed converging results as the magnitude of both semantic and response conflict increased with slower response times. Additionally, response conflict appeared earlier on the distribution compared to semantic conflict. These findings further highlight the difficulty in attributing specific psychological processes to different parameters (i.e., μ, σ, and τ). The effect of different response modalities on the makeup of Stroop interference is also discussed.

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:“This version of the article may not completely replicate the final authoritative version published in [journal title] at [DOI]. It is not the version of record and is therefore not suitable for citation. Please do not copy or cite without the permission of the author(s).”
Uncontrolled Keywords:Stroop interference; manual responding; response conflict; response time distribution
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:32493
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:05 Jul 2019 08:50
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:16


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