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The MusiQual treatment manual for music therapy in a palliative care inpatient setting.

Kirkwood, J., Graham-Wisener, L., McConnell, T., Porter, S., Reid, J., Craig, N., Dunlop, C., Gordon, C., Thomas, D., Godsal, J. and Vorster, A., 2019. The MusiQual treatment manual for music therapy in a palliative care inpatient setting. British Journal of Music Therapy, 33 (1), 5 - 15.

Full text available as:

[thumbnail of MusiQual treatment manual - reviewed 191218.pdf]
MusiQual treatment manual - reviewed 191218.pdf - Accepted Version
Available under License Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial.


DOI: 10.1177/1359457519834533


This article presents the treatment manual developed during the MusiQual feasibility study carried out in Belfast by Queen’s University Belfast, Every Day Harmony Music Therapy, and Marie Curie Northern Ireland. The MusiQual study considered the feasibility of a multicentre randomised trial to evaluate the effectiveness of music therapy in improving the quality of life of hospice inpatients (protocol: McConnell et al. results: Porter et al.). The procedures in the manual are based fully on those implemented by the Music Therapists during the feasibility study, and it also incorporates the theoretical model defined and published following the realist review of the literature (McConnell and Porter). The manual is presented in the format in which it would be used in the potential future phase III multicentre randomised control trial. It represents a flexible approach to provide enough scope for practicing therapists to adapt their interventions to individual clients as is best practice in music therapy. It aims to provide stable guidelines both to ensure treatment fidelity in a future trial of music therapy for palliative care inpatients and to act as a relevant guide for Music Therapists practicing in this field.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:feasibility; music therapy; palliative; quality of life; theoretical model; treatment manual;
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:32601
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:30 Aug 2019 13:35
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:17


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