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Augmented Reality For Education.

Holley, D. and Hobbs, M., 2019. Augmented Reality For Education. In: Peters, M.A and Heraud, R., eds. Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. Singapore: Springer.

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DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-2262-4_120-1


Reimagining our future engagement with learners through an augmented reality (AR) lens offers a range of possibilities, on a continuum from rigid materials, created with generic learning outcomes, to learner-centred, personalised and emancipatory practice. Educational paradigms are shifting to include alternatives to physical classrooms and the controlled virtual learning spaces that support traditional content delivery. Augmented reality is part of a broader mixed reality where varying degrees of virtual enhancement to the real world can be integrated into traditional delivery practice but also allow learning spaces to be explored more imaginatively and collaboratively. For educators, there are significant challenges to utilise the potential of technology to meet the increasing demands of students, institutions, industry and the expectations of society. By carefully scaffolding educators into reframing their curricula to encourage, inspire and motivate a diverse student body, technology can act as a mediator – a proxy for what Vygotsky termed the ‘more capable peer’ (Cook 2010). AR applications in education, training, marketing, medicine and other industries demonstrate both the capability of the technology and the need for designers to be aware of the possibilities. Karakus et al (2019), in their bibliometric study of augmented reality in education, identify the work by Wu et al (2013) as the most influential across the sector. This paper suggests that AR not only bridges virtual and real worlds but alsocreates an enhanced reality through a creative process. They argue that the educational values of AR are not solely based on the use of technologies but are closely related to how AR is designed, implemented and integrated into formal and informal learning settings. The recent McKinsey report (Bughin et al, 2018) modelled skills shifts in automation and artificial intelligence going forward to 2020 and found a sharp acceleration in demand for these technologies that will transform the workplace, as humans work with ever smarter machines. Transferring technology for educational use, re-use and re-purpose are key emergent themes in research as employers demand ever more technology enabled graduates, with high-level cognitive skills.

Item Type:Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords:Augmented Reality ; Education Futures ; TEL ; Mixed Reality ; creating artefacts
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:32787
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:20 Sep 2019 15:54
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:17


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