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Response modality and the Stroop task: Are there phonological Stroop effects with a manual response?

Parris, B., Sharma, D., Weekes, B.S., Momenian, M., Augustinova, M. and Ferrand, L., 2019. Response modality and the Stroop task: Are there phonological Stroop effects with a manual response? Experimental Psychology, 66 (5), 361-367.

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DOI: 10.1027/1618-3169/a000459


A long-standing debate in the Stroop literature concerns whether the way we respond to the color dimension determines how we process the irrelevant dimension, or whether word processing is purely stimulus driven. Models and findings in the Stroop literature differ in their predictions about how response modes (e.g., responding manually vs. vocally) affect how the irrelevant word is processed (i.e., phonologically, semantically) and the interference and facilitation that results, with some predicting qualitatively different Stroop effects. Here, we investigated whether response mode modifies phonological facilitation produced by the irrelevant word. In a fully within-subject design, we sought evidence for the use of a serial print-to-speech prelexical phonological processing route when using manual and vocal responses by testing for facilitating effects of phonological overlap between the irrelevant word and the color name at the initial and final phoneme positions. The results showed phoneme overlap leads to facilitation with both response modes, a result that is inconsistent with qualitative differences between the two response modes.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Stroop, selective attention, response mode, phonological, facilitation
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:32973
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:29 Oct 2019 16:11
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:18


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