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State of the Art in Alcohol Sensing with 2D Materials.

Boroujerdi, R., Abdelkader, A.M. and Paul, R., 2020. State of the Art in Alcohol Sensing with 2D Materials. Nano-Micro Letters, 12 (1), 33.

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DOI: 10.1007/s40820-019-0363-0


Since the discovery of graphene, the star among new materials, there has been a surge of attention focused on the monoatomic and monomolecular sheets which can be obtained by exfoliation of layered compounds. Such materials are known as 2D materials and offer enormous versatility and potential. The ultimate single atom, or molecule, thickness of the 2D materials sheets provides the highest surface to weight ratio of all the nanomaterials, which opens the door to the design of more sensitive and reliable chemical sensors. The variety of properties and the possibility of tuning the chemical and surface properties of the 2D materials increases their potential as selective sensors, targeting chemical species that were previously difficult to detect. The planar structure and the mechanical flexibility of the sheets allow new sensor designs and put 2D materials at the forefront of all the candidates for wearable applications. When developing sensors for alcohol, the response time is an essential factor for many industrial and forensic applications, particularly when it comes to handheld devices. Since every atom in the 2D materials is exposed to its environment, it allows faster detection of the changes in its surroundings. Here, we review recent developments in the applications of 2D materials in sensing alcohols along with a study on parameters that affects the sensing capabilities and performance of each group of the discussed 2D materials. The review also discusses the strategies used to develop the sensor along with their mechanisms of sensing. The review provides a critique of the current limitations of 2D materials-based alcohol sensors and an outlook for future research required to overcome the challenges.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Sensors and biosensors, Alcohol probes, Electrochemical detectors, Ethanol metabolites, 2D materials
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:33380
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:10 Feb 2020 15:34
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:19


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