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Excavations at Wolstonbury Later Bronze Age hilltop enclosure.

Russell, M., 2022. Excavations at Wolstonbury Later Bronze Age hilltop enclosure. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 158. (In Press)

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In 1995 a team from Bournemouth University excavated three trenches across the hilltop earthwork enclosure systems of Wolstonbury Hill. Results suggest that the main enclosure, first excavated in 1929 and previously interpreted as either an anomalous Iron Age stock pound or an Early Bronze Age henge monument, is actually a Later Bronze Age enclosure of ‘Rams Hill’ type, representing one of the earliest hillforts to be constructed on the South Downs. Samples for land snails taken from ditch fills and buried soils have provided a detailed environmental background for the monument and its immediate setting whilst the two inner enclosures recorded from the hill have now been identified as the remains of prehistoric field systems of probable Iron Age date.

Item Type:Article
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:33659
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:09 Mar 2020 11:35
Last Modified:29 Jun 2022 11:04


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