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Star Interpolator – A Novel Visualization Paradigm for Graphical Interpolators.

Gibson, D. and Polfreman, R., 2020. Star Interpolator – A Novel Visualization Paradigm for Graphical Interpolators. In: NIME2020: New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 21- 25 July 2020, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, Birmingham, UK.

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[thumbnail of Star Interpolator - A Novel Visualisation for Graphical Interpolator ver18.pdf]
Star Interpolator - A Novel Visualisation for Graphical Interpolator ver18.pdf - Accepted Version
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This paper presents a new visualization paradigm for graphical interpolation systems, known as Star Interpolation, that has been specifically created for sound design applications. Through the presented investigation of previous visualizations, it becomes apparent that the existing visuals in this class of system, generally relate to the interpolation model that determines the weightings of the presets and not the sonic output. The Star Interpolator looks to resolve this deficiency by providing visual cues that relate to the parameter space. Through comparative exploration it has been found this visualization provides a number of benefits over the previous systems. It is also shown that hybrid visualizations can be generated that combine the benefits of the new visualization with the existing interpolation models. These can then be accessed by using an Interactive Visualization (IV) approach. The results fromour exploration of these visualizations are encouraging and they appear to be advantageous when using the interpolators for sound designs tasks.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Sound; synthesizer; interpolation; visualization; interface; sound design
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:34005
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:14 May 2020 15:17
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:22


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