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Do emotions fit the frame? A critical appraisal of visual framing research approaches.

Glück, A., 2018. Do emotions fit the frame? A critical appraisal of visual framing research approaches. Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (JOMEC Journal) (12), 101 - 127.

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Article - Do emotions fit the frame - Glück - revised accepted version - 5 March 2018.pdf - Accepted Version
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DOI: 10.18573/jomec.166


With the rise of a visibly more emotional public sphere, this article asks if visual framing approaches can be enriched by the integration of emotive elements. Focussing on television news, I ask in what way emotions manifest within audio-visual material, and how these representations of emotions and emotive elements can be analysed using visual framing analysis. This understanding is grounded in two recent turns: the turn to the visual and to the affective. Both turns provide the background for current framing understandings and visual framing approaches, and for a discussion of three empirical models of analysis and their varying potential to integrate emotive elements. I distinguish here between a holistic ‘emotion frame’, emotions as narrative structures, and emotion as frame element. I argue that emotions can be best conceptualized as a frame element; and three practical realizations are discussed to what extent they are helpful to analyse emotions empirically in audio-visual news material.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Visual framing; Emotions; Journalism; Television news
Group:Faculty of Media & Communication
ID Code:34136
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:12 Jun 2020 09:54
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:22


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