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Microstructural and hardness evolution in a duplex stainless steel processed by high-pressure torsion.

Ma, M., Ding, H., Huang, Y., Tian, C.W. and Langdon, T.G., 2020. Microstructural and hardness evolution in a duplex stainless steel processed by high-pressure torsion. Crystals, 10 (12), 1138.

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A duplex stainless steel 2205, designated DSS2205 and having a duplex structure comprising ferrite and austenite phases, was processed by high-pressure torsion (HPT) and the microstructural and hardness evolutions were investigated after various HPT revolutions and at different positions within the specimens. The results show that the grain refinement induced by severe deformation processing is different in the ferrite and austenite phases such that the ferrite grains are refined via dislocation subdivision whereas grain refinement in the austenite phase depends mainly on the interaction of dislocations and twin boundaries at relatively low strains. When the numbers of revolutions increases, the grain refinement in austenite restricts the occurrence of deformation twinning so that dislocation slip becomes dominant. During HPT processing, the effect of the phase boundaries on the mechanical properties of the alloy is very significant. The results show the average width between two adjacent phases and the hardness of the alloy are generally consistent with the classical Hall-Petch relationship.

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:Funded by Using Severe Plastic Deformation for the Processing of Bulk Nanostructured Metals This article belongs to the Special Issue Study of Structure, Heat Treatment and Properties of Steels
Uncontrolled Keywords:duplex stainless steel; Hall-Petch relationship; high-pressure torsion; severe plastic deformation; ultrafine grains
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:34952
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:09 Dec 2020 15:53
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:25


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