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TranspLanMeta: A metamodel for TranspLan modeling language.

Cetinkaya, D. and Hosseini, M., 2021. TranspLanMeta: A metamodel for TranspLan modeling language. In: 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD’21), 8-10 February 2021, Online.

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Transparency and transparent decision making are essential requirements in information systems. To this end, a modeling language called TranspLan has been proposed. TranspLan is a domain-specific modeling language which is designed for the purpose of analysing and modeling transparency requirements in information systems. This paper presents a metamodel for transparency requirements modeling. We are introducing a model-driven approach to TranspLan language specifications to facilitate the use of the language more efficiently in real life cases. Metamodeling is an effective method for formally defining domain specific languages and moving from specifications to computer-aided modeling. In this paper, we propose a metamodel for TranspLan modeling language which is called as TranspLanMeta. The metamodeling process helps us to transfer TranspLan language specifications into a machine-readable format. The metamodel has been developed with GME (Generic Modelling Environment), which is a configurable toolkit for creating domain-specific modeling and program synthesis environments. By developing TranspLanMeta with GME, an automatically-generated modeling tool for TranspLan language is provided as well. In this way, an effective approach for accelerating software development is followed and the auto-generated modeling editor is used to define various models. This work provides a formal and practical solution for transparency modeling and a well-defined basis for using transparency requirements models in the further steps of the business process.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Requirements Engineering, Transparency Requirements, Requirements Modeling, Transparency, TranspLan, Metamodeling, Domain-Specific Modeling
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:35121
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:01 Feb 2021 11:53
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:26


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