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Functional Electrical Stimulation of Peroneal Muscles on Balance in Healthy Females.

Bamber, Z.A., Sun, W., Menon, R.S., Wheeler, P.C., Swain, I. D. and Fong, D.T.P., 2021. Functional Electrical Stimulation of Peroneal Muscles on Balance in Healthy Females. Cyborg and Bionic Systems, 2021, 9801097.

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DOI: 10.34133/2021/9801097


Balance improvement could contribute to ankle stability for the prevention of ankle sprains. Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is an effective way of augmenting muscle activity and improving balance. This study investigated the effect of FES of peroneal muscles on single-and double-leg balance. Fifteen healthy females (age = 23:1±1:6 years, height = 1:63 ± 0:07 m, and weight = 63:7±9:9 kg) performed single- and double-leg standing balance tests with eyes open and closed before and after 15-minute FES intervention during treadmill running at a comfortable, self-selected pace. FES of peroneal muscles was provided bilaterally, using an Odstock Dropped Foot Stimulator. The total excursion of the centre of pressure (COP) was calculated to assess the standing balance control ability. The total excursion of COP in single- and double-leg stance with eyes open reduced significantly after FES intervention by 14.7% (p < 0:001) and 5.9% (p = 0:031), respectively. The eyes-closed condition exhibited a 12.7% (p = 0:002) reduction in single-leg stance but did not significantly change in double-leg stance (p > 0:05). Limb preference did not account for balance postintervention. No significant difference in total excursion of COP was found between preferred and less preferred limbs with both visual conditions (p > 0:05). FES of peroneal muscles improved standing balance control with eyes open in double-leg and single-leg stance and with eyes closed in double-leg stance. The improvements in balance control with FES treatment did not vary concerning limb preference.

Item Type:Article
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:35588
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:07 Jun 2021 15:31
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:27


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