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Profiling the Post-match Recovery Response in Male Rugby: A Systematic Review.

Aben, H.G.J., Hills, S. P., Cooke, C.B., Davis, D., Jones, B. and Russell, M., 2022. Profiling the Post-match Recovery Response in Male Rugby: A Systematic Review. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 36 (7), 2050-2067.

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DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003741


To minimize underperformance, injury, and illness, and to enhance readiness for training and match-play, post-match responses are commonly monitored within professional rugby. As no clear consensus exists regarding the magnitude and duration of post-match recovery, this review summarized the literature (17 studies yielded from literature searching/screening) reporting neuromuscular (countermovement jump [CMJ], peak power output [PP], and flight time [FT]), biochemical (creatine kinase [CK]) or endocrine (cortisol [C] and testosterone [T] concentrations), and subjective (wellness questionnaire and muscle soreness) indices after rugby match-play. For neuromuscular responses (11 studies), reductions in PP <31.5% occurred <30 minutes after match, returning to baseline within 48–72 hours. Post-match reductions in FT of <4% recovered after 48 hours. For biochemical and endocrine responses (14 studies), increases in CK, ranging from 120 to 451%, peaked between 12 and 24 hours, returning to baseline within 72 hours of match-play. Initial increases of <298% in C and reductions in T concentrations (<44%) returned to pre-match values within 48–72 hours. Mood disturbances (6 studies) required 48–72 hours to normalize after peak decrements of <65% at 24 hours. This review highlights that 72 hours were needed to restore perturbations in neuromuscular, biochemical and endocrine, and subjective/perceptual responses after competitive rugby match-play. Notably, only 4 studies reported responses in more ecologically valid scenarios (i.e., those in which regular training and recovery strategies were used) while also reporting detailed match demands. A lack of research focusing on youth players was also evident, as only 3 studies profiled post-match responses in younger athletes. Deeper insight regarding post-match responses in ecologically valid scenarios is therefore required.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:fatigue; monitoring; wellness; team sport; muscle damage
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:35597
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:09 Jun 2021 13:42
Last Modified:12 Jul 2022 14:57


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