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An Automatic Image Content Retrieval Method for better Mobile Device Display User Experiences.

Bruno, A., 2021. An Automatic Image Content Retrieval Method for better Mobile Device Display User Experiences. arXiv (2108.12068 [cs.CV]).

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A growing number of commercially available mobile phones come with integrated high-resolution digital cameras. That enables a new class of dedicated applications to image analysis such as mobile visual search, image cropping, object detection, content-based image retrieval, image classification. In this paper, a new mobile application for image content retrieval and classification for mobile device display is proposed to enrich the visual experience of users. The mobile application can extract a certain number of images based on the content of an image with visual saliency methods aiming at detecting the most critical regions in a given image from a perceptual viewpoint. First, the most critical areas from a perceptual perspective are extracted using the local maxima of a 2D saliency function. Next, a salient region is cropped using the bounding box centred on the local maxima of the thresholded Saliency Map of the image. Then, each image crop feds into an Image Classification system based on SVM and SIFT descriptors to detect the class of object present in the image. ImageNet repository was used as the reference for semantic category classification. Android platform was used to implement the mobile application on a client-server architecture. A mobile client sends the photo taken by the camera to the server, which processes the image and returns the results (image contents such as image crops and related target classes) to the mobile client. The application was run on thousands of pictures and showed encouraging results towards a better user visual experience with mobile displays.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:cs.CV ; cs.CV ; cs.LG ; I.4; I.5
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:36073
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:04 Oct 2021 15:55
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:29


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