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The application of an innovative model to measure university brand image: Differences between English, Spanish and Portuguese undergraduate students.

Alcaide-Pulido,, P., O'Sullivan, H. and Chapleo, C., 2024. The application of an innovative model to measure university brand image: Differences between English, Spanish and Portuguese undergraduate students. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 34 (1), 283-300.

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DOI: 10.1080/08841241.2021.1977450


Research on the role brand image plays in higher education (HE) suggests that it is crucial to understand students’ perceptions of their university. This study builds on existing empirical work by Alcaide-Pulido, Alves, and Gutierrez-Villar (2017) exploring themes of national and international recognition, economic value, university campus facilities, and external communications and values. It employs a structural equation modelling approach with Partial Least Squares (PLS) and Decision Trees Analysis through a sample of 624 undergraduate students from England, Spain, and Portugal. The findings highlight areas of commonality as well as differences between the different cultures and nationalities examined as part of the study. They show areas that brand managers from each country should concentrate on, making recommendations that could help to shape the marketing direction of universities in each of the nations included in the research. The English and Portuguese should prioritize communication to students through their institutional website, whereas Spaniards should attend to ethical values and social responsibility. Economic value is an aspect that Spanish and English universities should focus on. Spaniards and English agree that campus facilities are important, whereas class size is key for Portuguese. Finally, Portuguese students' highly value the national recognition of their university.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Brand image; Higher Education; decision trees; PLS multigroup analysis; cross-cultural framework; quantitative analysis
Group:Bournemouth University Business School
ID Code:36075
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:05 Oct 2021 07:41
Last Modified:02 Jul 2024 08:41


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