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Return-sweep saccades in oral reading.

Adedeji, V. I., Vasilev, M. R., Kirkby, J. A. and Slattery, T., 2022. Return-sweep saccades in oral reading. Psychological Research, 86, 1804-1815.

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DOI: 10.1007/s00426-021-01610-6


Recent research on return-sweep saccades has improved our understanding of eye movements when reading paragraphs. However, these saccades, which take our gaze from the end of one line to the start of the next line, have been studied only within the context of silent reading. Articulatory demands and the coordination of the eye–voice span (EVS) at line boundaries suggest that the execution of this saccade may be diferent in oral reading. We compared launch and landing positions of return-sweeps, corrective saccade probability and fxations adjacent to return-sweeps in skilled adult readers while reading paragraphs aloud and silently. Compared to silent reading, return-sweeps were launched from closer to the end of the line and landed closer to the start of the next line when reading aloud. The probability of making a corrective saccade was higher for oral reading than silent reading. These indicate that oral reading may compel readers to rely more on foveal processing at the expense of parafoveal processing. We found an interaction between reading modality and fxation type on fxation durations. The reading modality efect (i.e., increased fxation durations in oral compared to silent reading) was greater for accurate line-initial fxations and marginally greater for line-fnal fxations compared to intra-line fxations. This suggests that readers may use the fxations adjacent to return-sweeps as natural pause locations to modulate the EVS.

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:This work was made possible by Microsoft Corporation research grant awarded to Timothy J. Slattery which was match funded by Bournemouth University to fund Victoria I. Adedeji’s PhD studies. Martin R. Vasilev was supported by a post-doctoral fellowship by Bournemouth University. We thank Adam J. Parker for his help with the pilot analysis.
Uncontrolled Keywords:reading ; eye-movements ; return-sweeps
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:36143
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:26 Oct 2021 07:34
Last Modified:15 Aug 2022 11:14


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