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Some preliminary notes on the limited 2020 campaign of the Palamas Archaeological Project (PAP).

Vaiopoulou, M., Ronnlund, R., Tsiouka, F., Pitman, D., Dandou, S., Potter, R. and Klange, J., 2021. Some preliminary notes on the limited 2020 campaign of the Palamas Archaeological Project (PAP). Opuscula Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome, 14, 55-63.

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DOI: 10.30549/opathrom-14-04


This paper presents a short summary of archaeological operations carried out in 2020 in the area of the modern village of Vlochos on the western Thessalian plain, Greece, as part of the Palamas Archaeological Project (PAP). Initially, the project aimed to conduct a significant campaign of fieldwork during the 2020 season, but operations were severely scaled back by limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, only a small-scale campaign, aimed at method testing and exploratory investigation, could be carried out. Fieldwork included an evaluation of complimentary geophysical techniques, cleaning operations, and oral history enquiries. The work—despite its limitations—highlighted the value of using multiple geophysical techniques, as well as proving the importance of a systematic cleaning of the site. Overall, the first season of PAP highlighted the productivity of the research project and will act as a strong foundation for the forthcoming field seasons.*

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:geophysical survey; ethnoarchaeology; earth resistivity; electromagnetic survey; Thessaly
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:37019
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:06 Jun 2022 13:25
Last Modified:06 Jun 2022 13:25


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