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Gratitude stimulates word-of-mouth more than words of thanks.

Cownie, F., Haft, J., Vu, V., Natalia, N. and Chaiveeradech, M., 2023. Gratitude stimulates word-of-mouth more than words of thanks. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 31 (4), 416-433.

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DOI: 10.1080/10696679.2022.2078370


This study examines the impact of feelings and expressions of gratitude on word-of-mouth communication applying a quantitative method and PLS-SEM. It is the first study evidencing the power of feelings of gratitude as a driver of positive word-of-mouth within the context of students’ experience of Higher Education in ASEAN and UK contexts. The study finds that feelings of gratitude are more likely to result in positive conversations with others than in thanks to the benefactor. Feelings of gratitude may also reduce silent endurance. However, expressions of gratitude appear to have no influence on a sender’s conversations about HE

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:word of mouth; gratitude; feelings of gratitude; expressions of gratitude; thanks; silent endurance
Group:Faculty of Media & Communication
ID Code:37058
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:14 Jun 2022 10:14
Last Modified:20 May 2024 12:59


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