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The current and future role of nurses within enhanced recovery after surgery pathways.

Wainwright, T. W., Jakobsen, D. H. and Kehlet, H., 2022. The current and future role of nurses within enhanced recovery after surgery pathways. British Journal of Nursing, 31 (12), 656-659.

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DOI: 10.12968/bjon.2022.31.12.656


BACKGROUND: Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) pathways have been proven to expedite recovery after many procedures and reduce lengths of stay in hospital and surgical complications. However, improvements are still needed, especially in postoperative ERAS components delivered by nurses such as early mobilisation and oral feeding. This article summarises the current and possible future role of nurses within ERAS, and recommends areas for future research. DISCUSSION: Nurses are the professionals who spend the most time with patients throughout the perioperative pathway and are known to play a vital role in delivering many components of an ERAS pathway. They frequently co-ordinate care across disciplines and ensure continuity of care. However, there is a paucity of ERAS research specific to nurses compared to other professional groups. Continual training on ERAS will be required to ensure nurses are highly educated and for the best possible ERAS implementation. In certain types of surgery, nurses may fulfil extended roles in the postoperative period, such as taking over responsibility and leadership for co-ordinating pain management, mobilisation and discharge. However, this requires a well-defined care programme, a clear definition of nursing responsibilities from surgeons, agreed discharge criteria and highly qualified nurses, along with the collection and analysis of data to test safety and efficacy. CONCLUSION: Increasing nurse involvement in ERAS research is vital to drive improvements in care and to develop nursing roles. Nurses should have a major role in the preoperative clinic, the early postoperative phase and the follow-up post-discharge period, where the benefits of ERAS need to be further documented.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:ERAS; Enhanced recovery after surgery; Fast-track pathways; Fast-track surgery; Postoperative nursing
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:37115
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:28 Jun 2022 08:27
Last Modified:23 Dec 2022 01:08


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