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Multiple-Objective Packet Routing Optimization for Aeronautical ad-hoc Networks.

Zhang, J., Liu, D., Chen, S., Ng, S. X., Maunder, R. G. and Hanzo, L., 2023. Multiple-Objective Packet Routing Optimization for Aeronautical ad-hoc Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 72 (1), 1002-1016.

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DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2022.3202689


Providing Internet service above the clouds is of ever-increasing interest and in this context aeronautical ad-hoc networking (AANET) constitutes a promising solution. However, the optimization of packet routing in large ad hoc networks is quite challenging. In this paper, we develop a discrete ε multiobjective genetic algorithm (ε-DMOGA) for jointly optimizing the end-to-end latency, the end-to-end spectral efficiency (SE), and the path expiration time (PET) that specifies how long the routing path can be relied on without re-optimizing the path. More specifically, a distance-based adaptive coding and modulation (ACM) scheme specifically designed for aeronautical communications is exploited for quantifying each link’s achievable SE. Furthermore, the queueing delay at each node is also incorporated into the multiple-objective optimization metric. Our ε-DMOGA assisted multiple-objective routing optimization is validated by real historical flight data collected over the Australian airspace on two selected representative dates.

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:Funding Agency: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council projects (Grant Number: EP/W016605/1 and EP/P003990/1) European Research Council's Advanced Fellow Grant QuantCom (Grant Number: 789028)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Aircraft mobility model; aeronautical ad-hoc network; adaptive coding and modulation; routing; multipleobjective optimization
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:37383
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:07 Sep 2022 07:27
Last Modified:25 Jan 2023 12:53


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