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Skills for safety, security and well-being in the DigComp framework revision and their relevance for a sustainable global (higher) education.

Rebelo Trindade, A., Holley, D. and Gonçalo Marques, C., 2024. Skills for safety, security and well-being in the DigComp framework revision and their relevance for a sustainable global (higher) education. In: Sousa, M. J., de Bem Machado, A. and Aparecida Dandolini, G., eds. Technologies for a Sustainable Global Higher Education. Boca Raton, Fla.: Auerbach Publications.

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The digital era brings to Higher Education new challenges that must be discussed, analysed and accomplished, to fulfill their role as providers of knowledge, skills and attitudes aligned to the United Nation Sustainable Goals, as well as lifelong learning skills to participate in the society. Digital competence is a transversal key competence for lifelong learning necessary to be involved in nowadays society. Concerning this, the European Commission along with the Joint research Centre, in 2021 conducted a study to reframe/revise the European Digital Competence Framework DigComp 2.1 followed by a group of experts and stakeholders. The requirements set out in the revised model, frame the body of work to be taken forward for all citizens, and deeply important for Higher Education learners. Among other competences presented in the EU DigComp Framework 2.2 the chapter addresses the Skills for Safety, Security and Well-Being in the DigComp Framework Revision and their Relevance for a Sustainable Global (Higher) Education. The chapter discusses, describes, and presents the methodology and the procedures adopted by a group of experts in the field of safety and security and well-being knowledge, to propose the knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) in the safety area of Digital Competence framework 2.2 (n=37 KSA), underpinned by the drivers of qualitative research, lifelong learning, and design-based research method.

Item Type:Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords:EU digital safety; security and well-being; sustainable higher education; lifelong learning
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:37697
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:03 Nov 2022 16:35
Last Modified:11 Mar 2025 01:08


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