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A 3D Finite Element Model of Rolling Contact Fatigue for Evolved Material Response and Residual Stress Estimation.

Abdullah, M.U., Khan, Z. A., Kruhoeffer, W. and Blass, T., 2020. A 3D Finite Element Model of Rolling Contact Fatigue for Evolved Material Response and Residual Stress Estimation. Tribology Letters, 68 (4), 122.

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DOI: 10.1007/s11249-020-01359-w


Rolling bearing elements develop structural changes during rolling contact fatigue (RCF) along with the non-proportional stress histories, evolved residual stresses and extensive work hardening. Considerable work has been reported in the past few decades to model bearing material hardening response under RCF; however, they are mainly based on torsion testing or uniaxial compression testing data. An effort has been made here to model the RCF loading on a standard AISI 52100 bearing steel with the help of a 3D Finite Element Model (FEM) which employs a semi-empirical approach to mimic the material hardening response evolved during cyclic loadings. Standard bearing balls were tested in a rotary tribometer where pure rolling cycles were simulated in a 4-ball configuration. The localised material properties were derived from post-experimental subsurface analysis with the help of nanoindentation in conjunction with the expanding cavity model. These constitutive properties were used as input cyclic hardening parameters for FEM. Simulation results have revealed that the simplistic power-law hardening model based on monotonic compression test underpredicts the residual generation, whereas the semi-empirical approach employed in current study corroborated well with the experimental findings from current research work as well as literature cited. The presence of high compressive residual stresses, evolved over millions of RCF cycles, showed a significant reduction of maximum Mises stress, predicting significant improvement in fatigue life. Moreover, the predicted evolved flow stresses are comparable with the progression of subsurface structural changes and be extended to develop numerical models for microstructural alterations. Graphic Abstract: [figure not available: see full text].

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:rolling bearing elements; FE model; fatigue life; residual stresses
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:37769
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:09 Nov 2022 14:51
Last Modified:09 Nov 2022 14:51


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