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When do People Expect Effortless In-car Interactions?

Ince, E., Cha, K. and Cho, J., 2023. When do People Expect Effortless In-car Interactions? Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2023): Integrating People and Intelligent Systems, 69 (2023), 17-26.

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DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002817


Drivers have experienced various in-car interactions due to advanced infotainment systems and digital integration in cars. The scope of in-car interaction is likely to be further expanded in autonomous driving due to the increased free time in the car for focusing on non-driving activities. When designing in-car interactions, enhancing the in-car user experience by giving drivers new abilities and providing them with effortless and intuitive interactions is a worthy goal. Hence, understanding users’ per- spectives in the early phases is the critical first step to informing the design process. Although prior studies have revealed users’ expectations and needs in an autono- mous vehicle, there is a lack of understanding of when and in which context users might most desire effortless interaction. This investigation aims to examine users’ expectations and identify themes for effortless in-car interaction. One hundred fifty participants were recruited using a purposive sampling strategy. The study consists of an open-ended online questionnaire that enquired about the context in which peo- ple desire effortless interaction within a car the most. Questionnaire responses were clustered into themes using a thematic analysis method. The study proposes a taxo- nomy of in-car contexts composed of six major themes, with 17 sub-themes, which include the following contexts: 1) switching-required, 2) emotion-underlain, 3) idle- away, 4) less-controllable, 5) time-sensitive and 6) task-oriented. The findings provide guidance regarding the critical contexts of effortless interaction, which designers can use to better understand and improve automotive user experiences.

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:Funded by auZentic Project II. (2021-2022). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference IHSI 2023, 22-24 Feb 2023, Venice, Italy.
Uncontrolled Keywords:User experience; Effortless interaction; Human-centred design; User context; Autonomous vehicles; Taxonomy of in-car contexts
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:38251
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:06 Mar 2023 17:10
Last Modified:06 Mar 2023 17:10


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