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Where do we go from here?: Virtual Production and the potential impact on regional filmmaking.

Fair, J., 2023. Where do we go from here?: Virtual Production and the potential impact on regional filmmaking. DBS Business Review, 5 (2023), 1-8.

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Virtual Production (VP) has seen enormous growth in the last few years. The technology enables filmmakers to project locations onto a giant LED wall backdrop in a studio space, providing a photorealistic setting at the click of a button. Exciting though these developments are for the industry, our governments need to explore and understand what the trend away from traditional filmmaking may mean. There could be some hidden consequences that impact upon existing policy objectives. This paper focuses specifically upon the potential challenges that regional filmmaking may face as a result of VP; including a loss of production revenue in the local economy, possible skills migration and a threat to screen tourism. The paper argues that interventionist policy making, similar to successful tax relief schemes that have invigorated the UK cultural industries in recent years, could help steer the new technology in directions that help meet wider policy agendas, rather than usurp them.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Virtual production; screen tourism; filmmaking; Government policy; Cultural industries
Group:Faculty of Media & Communication
ID Code:38313
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:09 Mar 2023 15:08
Last Modified:09 Mar 2023 15:08


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